Debug for #8742342: Jar to get debug logs while saving notification rules
While saving notification rule, error is thrown due to missing user id in the database.
This isn't a fix jar. This is to collect debug logs while saving the notification rules. This fjar file will list users (technicians) who gets selected in the notification rules and their ids. Based on this, we need to further debug this.
Steps to apply the fjar
1. Download the attached 14103_8742342.fjar file.
3. Restart the application service.
4. Save the notification rules (Recreate the issue). Immediately, zip the logs (<server_home>\logs folder. For eg: C:\Program Files\ManageEngine\ServiceDesk\logs folder) and share it with us for analysis. If the size of the log file is huge, you can send it to us using our FTP link Select the product as "ServiceDesk Plus" and ticket number as 8742342
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