Backup Related Issues

Backup Related Issues


Exception trace: duplicate entry: ZIA*.pdf

Reason for the issue: Breakage in ZIA Feature

Steps to resolve the issue:

The suggested fix for the issue is to upgrade the application to any build higher than 11009.

If an upgrade is not possible immediately, then to overcome this issue, you can take a trimmed backup (if it's manual backup) or you can take a backup of the database alone (if it's a scheduled backup).

And during the upgrade, take a manual trimmed backup and skip the backup during the upgrade process to prevent this issue from happening during upgrade.


Exception trace: ERROR = *ERROR: Wrong key or corrupt data*org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: ERROR: Wrong key or corrupt data

Reason for the issue: Wrong password reset query was executed in the DB

Steps to resolve the issue:
  1. We need to need to update the wrongly updated password. Please connect to ServiceDesk Plus DB by following the steps available here .
  2. Once connected, execute the below query.
          select distinct(length(salt)) from aaapassword;
    select * from aaapassword where length(salt) != 94 and length(salt) !=78 ;
    Once the output is displayed, take a screenshot of the output for reference.
  3. Now, execute the below query to resolve the issue.
    update AaaPassword set password='$2a$12$fZUC9IK8E/AwtCxMKnCfiu830qUyYB/JRhWpi2k1vgWLC6iLFAgxa',             SALT=pgp_sym_encrypt('$2a$12$fZUC9IK8E/AwtCxMKnCfiu','SChar@123Mas!er','s2k-mode=1, cipher-algo=aes256'),algorithm='bcrypt' where length(salt)=13 or length(salt)=29 ;
  4. After successful execution of the query, restart the services of ServiceDesk Plus once and then try to take a backup.


Exception trace: java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space

Reason for the issue: A huge amount of data resides in a specific table and the application is running out of memory while trying to fetch data from the specific table.

Steps to resolve the issue:
  1. Open CMD and navigate to Drive:\ManageEngine\ServiceDesk\bin and type in the below command.
                Drive:\ManageEngine\ServiceDesk\bin> write backUpData.bat
  2. This will open up the restoreData.bat file in write mode. In this file locate the string -Xmx
  3. Next to this Xmx string, you should see a value. Please change the existing value to a higher value i.e if the existing value is 512m, change it to 1024m; if the value is 1024m, change it to 2048m
  4. Once you've changed the value, save the file and try to run a backup.


Exception trace:

Reason for the issue: Breakage in the Request (created via Email) attachments with attachment name containing colon(:) in it

Steps to resolve the issue:

The suggested fix for the issue is to upgrade the application to any build higher than 11105.

If an upgrade is not possible immediately, then to overcome this issue, you can take a trimmed backup (if it's manual backup) or you can take a backup of the database alone (if it's a scheduled backup).

And during the upgrade, take a manual trimmed backup and skip the backup during the upgrade process to prevent this issue from happening during upgrade.


Exception trace: org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: ERROR: index "xxxx_pk" contains unexpected zero page at block {x}

Reason for the issue: DB indexing issue/ Data corruption

Steps to resolve the issue:
  1. Stop ServiceDesk Plus Service.
  2. Navigate to Drive:\ManageEngine\ServiceDesk\ and copy the pgsql folder to a different location as a backup
  3. After the copy is complete, open CMD with admin privileges and navigate to Drive:\ManageEngine\ServiceDesk\bin and invoke the startDB.bat command as shown below.
          Drive:\ManageEngine\ServiceDesk\bin > startDB.bat 65432
  4. Once you see the message 'Database Started', connect to ServiceDesk Plus DB by following the steps available here .
  5. Once connected, execute the below queries one-by-one in the same order.
          reindex database servicedesk;
          vacuum full;
          reindex database servicedesk;
  6. After the above commands are executed successfully, close the CMD and open a new CMD with admin privileges.
  7. In the new CMD, try to run a backup.
  8. If the backup still fails, y ou can then raise a support ticket where we can help you with this further.

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