#9113995 - Debug

#9113995 - Debug

Issue: IMAP with TLS is working for the customer. However, it is not possible to configure IMAP with TLS in SDP app.

Debug: Debug jar has been prepared to check which configuration works for the customer. Also, debug prints will be printed in the serverout file while invoking the debug servlet.

Please follow the below steps to get the debug logs

1. Download the attached 14502_9113995.fjar file
2. Apply the fjar file and restart the application service. Check here for the steps to apply this fjar.
3. Login to the application as SDAdmin and invoke the url "https://<servicedeskhost>:<servicedeskport>/servlet/DebugServlet" (say, https://servicedesk:8080/servlet/DebugServlet)
4. The url will take 1-4 minutes to load completely. Once loaded, you will get prints as below

5. Share the screenshot of this page. Also zip us the logs folder and send it to us using our FTP link https://bonitas2.zohocorp.com/. Select the product as "ServiceDesk Plus" and ticket number as 9113995.
6. We will analyse the uploaded files and get back to at the earliest.

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