#9006579 - Debug fjar for customer regarding ADlogin issue

#9006579 - Debug fjar for customer regarding ADlogin issue

Issue : 
      ADLogin issue for single user, were the user is can't able to login resulting in invalid password.

Debug :
      To analyze this further, we have prepared a debug jar to get additional prints in the serverout logs.

Steps to apply this and collect logs:

1. Download the attached 14304_9006579_login_debug.fjar file.
2. Click here on steps to apply the fjar file.
3. Restart the application service.
4. Recreate the login issue.
5. Once the issue occurs, immediately zip the logs (<server_home>\logs folder. For eg: C:\Program Files\ManageEngine\ServiceDesk\logs folder) and share it with us for analysis. If the size of the log file is huge, you can send it to us using our FTP link https://bonitas2.zohocorp.com/. Select the product as "ServiceDesk Plus" and provide the proper ticket number.

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