Two Active Directory Domains login trouble

Two Active Directory Domains login trouble

Might be a wrong place to publish, as i had a problem and found the workaround myself so it is not a problem for me anymore, but it might help somebody.
I'm pretty much a beginner, i have been using SDP in a small environment for a few months in and out, learning stuff.
We have two local domains on two different sites (Why - it is different issue).
I scanned and imported users from one. All is good.
Then i scanned and imported users from the second domain. That is when trouble started.
My first domain disappeared from drop-down list on login screen and the second one appeared.
Obviously i was not able to login with that, getting message about wrong username/password.
I tried to enable local authorization and reset the password using a good tutorial on Youtube:
Did not work for me, although i was getting a success message - "UPDATE 1"
I tried (Unsuccessfully) also to update a Domain Controller info as described in FAQ 'Service Desk Administration'
Then after running the query (You can see it in screenshots attached too)
servicedesk=> select * from domaininfo;
i noticed that in domains table 'ispublic' status of of my first domain set to 'f' - means false.
I've never dealt with any DB, except just a little bit with MS SQL, but i had nothing to lose at this point.
So by analogy, i created a query to change the status directly in DB (I took value for 'domainid' from 'domaininfo' table):
servicedesk=> update domaininfo set ispublic='t' where domainid=1;
Restarted SDP service and here it was - i have two domains in drop-down list and can choose.
Login was successful with 'admin' password because in my attempts to fix the issue i have reset it using that tutorial.
I hope that will help someone.

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