Prerequisites and Troubleshooting steps for Windows monitoring in WMI mode:

Prerequisites and Troubleshooting steps for Windows monitoring in WMI mode:


Prerequisites for monitoring a windows server using WMI :

1. You need Domain User + that user must be a part of the local administrator group in target machine

2. Windows Management Instrumentation & Remote Procedure Call (RPC) windows service should be running ( they will be running by default )

3. If firewall present between applications manager and windows, the following ports ( for bi-directional communication ) should be opened in the firewall :

If the firewall does not allow ICMP packets ( ping ) between applications manager machine and target server, you have to follow the steps mentioned in the below link :

a).Port : 135 for Remote Procedure Call (RPC) ( Note : You should get a blank screen when you execute command telnet target-hostname 135 from command prompt in applications manager machine.)

b). Port : 445 for Windows Management Instrumentation

c). WMI will use DCOM for remote communication and while communicating through DCOM, the target server ( the server which is to be monitored by applications manager ) by default will use any random port above 1024. You have to connect to the target server and configure it to use a port with in the specified range of ports. You can follow the steps mentioned in this link : for restricting the ports in the target server ( you use the this link for configuring Windows 2003 server ). Please note that you must specify at least 5 ports in this range for target server . This same range ports must be also opened in the firewall


If you get any error while creating monitor even after following prerequisite try below steps first :

   1. Check if you can login into the remote server using the same credentials provided in Applications Manager ( try this from APM machine itself using mstsc )

   2. If the above step works for you then try to connect to the remote system WMI using wbemtest from Applications Manager installed machine. Steps for using wbemtest listed below

* Click on Start --> Run --> wbemtest. It opens up Windows Management Instrument Tester. Click Connect button. This will open another window & in the first text box type " \\hostname\root\cimv2 ( root\default will be present there )". Then type the user name and password in corresponding credentials field. After that click on Connect button. Also try the same step with hostip instead of the hostname. If you get any error in both the steps, it might be due to a problem in windows related setting ( also try with domainnameuame for username credentials field ). If you are able to connect with Ip alone and not with hostname, simply add a entry for this Ip and hostname in etc/host file of APM machine.

   3. If step 2 fails with error message : Authentication Failed or Access denied try this troubleshooting steps :


   4. If step 2 fails with error message : RPC Server is not available try this troubleshooting steps :

  5.) One step we can try in this scenario is reconstruct WMI classes. You can check the steps from this link :

Also When Applications Manager is installed as service sometimes WMI monitors cannot be added even though RPC servers are available and other details are given properly. This is because the user might not have sufficient credentials. So check if the below step resolves the problem.

1. Right click on the service and select Properties.
2. Select Logon Tab.
3. Default Local System Account will be selected.
4. Select

This Account->Local machine username,Password,Confirm Password and then click on Apply+OK.
5. Now restart the service and try adding WMI monitors the user should be able to add them Successfully.

For any further assistance please contact us at

Thanks & Regards,
Paul Jacob

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