HTTPS not working

HTTPS not working

I configured the keystore with a certificate from Godaddy.  Then followed the instructions below, yet https:// can't connect to server.  Changing it back to port 80 works for the most part - graphics on the login screen don't show up any more.  Both the internal and external names work for port 80 but neither work for SSL. 

Step 4: Configuring the Server

  1. Copy the sdp.keystore file from <ServiceDesk_Home>\jre\bin to <ServiceDesk_Home>\server\default\conf

  2. From the command prompt, execute changeWebServerPort.bat script to change the connection mode to HTTPS.

Cmd >[ServiceDesk Plus Home]\bin> changeWebServerPort.bat <WEBSERVER_PORT> https
  1. Finally, update the name of the keystore and the password, you gave in Step 1, while generating sdp.keystore  in the file server.xml present under <ServiceDesk_Home>\server\default\deploy\jbossweb-tomcat50.sar
  2. Restart the service ManageEngine ServiceDesk Plus for the changes to take effect.

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