Good mornig,
Please, you could support me with the issue "Not able to collect the data for CPU,Disk,Memory attribute using SSH mode". I added recently 14 linux monitors and all have the same message.
I had check the commands used to obtain the información and I can executed it without problem, there isn't exists slowness.
The command were these:
vmstat 1 3
free -b
/bin/df -Pm |awk '{print $(NF-3) " " $(NF-2) " " $(NF-1) " " $NF}'
We check it the package of procps.rpm too and was updated to the most recent version. Is necessary a specific version?
And check it the execution of this command :
export S_COLORS='never';mpstat -P ALL 1 3
and was successful​
The messge still goes on.
Thank you for your support.