APM v15402 Not able to collect the data for CPU,Disk,Memory attribute using SSH mode

APM v15402 Not able to collect the data for CPU,Disk,Memory attribute using SSH mode

Good mornig, 

Please, you could support me with the issue "Not able to collect the data for CPU,Disk,Memory attribute using SSH mode". I added recently 14 linux monitors and all have the same message.

I had check the commands used to obtain the información and I can executed it without problem, there isn't exists slowness.

The command were these:
vmstat 1 3
free -b
/bin/df -Pm |awk '{print $(NF-3) " " $(NF-2) " " $(NF-1) " " $NF}'

We check it the package of procps.rpm too and was updated to the most recent version. Is necessary a specific version?

And check it the execution of this command :
export S_COLORS='never';mpstat -P ALL 1 3
and was successful​

The messge still goes on. 

Thank you for your support. 


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