While trying to monitor servers, I get a "No data Available" error for CPU Core Utilization.

While trying to monitor servers, I get a "No data Available" error for CPU Core Utilization.

The data for CPU Core utilization may not be shown due to problem in executing and getting the output of  CPU command on the server. For different modes of monitoring (WMI/Telnet/SSH/SNMP) we use different methods to collect data. Find the steps below to check the execution of commands based on respective mode.

WMI Mode of Monitoring:

1) Execute the cpucore.vbs present in <APPMANAGER_HOME_DIR/working/conf/applications/scripts/> directory from command prompt as follows,
  1.     cscript cpucore.vbs <hostname> <username> <password>
    where hostname, username, password is the target server's hostname or ipaddress , username specified for monitoring and password of that user respectively

2) If the script is working but output still hyphen in GUI, do the following steps:

   - Go to Admin Tab -> Logging and set the logging as 'Print All Logs' (you can revert it to 'Print Detailed Debug errors' after completing the below steps)
   - Trigger polling by clicking "Poll now" option for two or three times.
   - Wait until status updates in the GUI.
   - Now check the attribute value. If it is still shown as hyphen then upload the support file with that script output.
     Steps to create support file is given below link.
SNMP Mode of monitoring:

1) CPU Core Utilization is calculated by using  . OID. This returns the cpu usage of the individual core.
    Run the snmpwalk.sh or snmpwalk.bat present in AppManagerHome\bin\troubleshooting\ directory in a command prompt window.
  1.     snmpwalk.bat  [version]  [community]  [port]  [hostname / Ip]
    [version]      version of SNMP agent v1 / v2. By default v1
    [community]    community string. By default public
    [port]         remote SNMP agent port number. By default 161
    [hostname/Ip]  hostname or Ip address of machine where SNMP agent is running

2) If the OID is working but output still hyphen in GUI, do the following steps:   
  - Go to Admin Tab -> Logging and set the logging as 'Print All Logs' (you can revert it to 'Print Detailed Debug errors' after completing the below steps)
  - Trigger polling by clicking "Poll now" option for two or three times.
  - Wait until status updates in the GUI.
  - Now check the attribute value. If it is still show hyphen then upload the support file with the complete snmpwalk result.
    Steps to create support file is given below link:

Telnet and SSH mode of monitoring :

1) Login to the corresponding server using the same credentials provided in Applications Manager  and check whether the following commands are working:

LANG=en_US.UTF-8 sar -u -P ALL 1 3
FreeBSD / OpenBSD
/usr/bin/vmstat -n 0 -P 1 3
export S_COLORS='never';mpstat -P ALL 1 3
Mac OS
Not supported
Sun Solaris
/usr/bin/mpstat -p 1 3
HP-UX / Tru64
sar -u -M 1 3

2) If command returns like "Not an SMP machine." then the system is not multi-core supported. It's same as overall CPU Utilization.

3) For Linux if command returns like "command not found" then install SYSTAT package in the server. For example refer below link.

4) If the command is working but output still hyphen in GUI, do the following steps: 
  - Go to Admin Tab -> Logging and set the logging as 'Print All Logs' (you can revert it to 'Print Detailed Debug errors' after completing the below steps) 
  - Trigger polling by clicking "Poll now" option for two or three times.
  - Wait until status updates in the GUI.
  - Now check the attribute value. If it is still show hyphen then upload the support file along with the complete command output.
    Steps to create support file is given below link:

5)  While executing 'sar' command in the AIX server if you encounter Permission denied error as output, execute the below command to give permissions:
chmod o+x /usr/lib/sa/sadc
 Note: The above command will enable permissions for non-root users to execute SAR.
After giving permissions, verify the same by executing the below command:
 LANG=en_US.UTF-8 sar -u -P ALL 1 3

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