[Tips & Tricks] Field-level encryption

[Tips & Tricks] Field-level encryption

Hello folks,

Field-level encryption provides the capability to encrypt sensitive data in specific fields.

This allows you to securely upload user-submitted sensitive information to your web servers. The sensitive information provided by your users is encrypted at the edge closer to the user and remains encrypted throughout your entire application, ensuring that the data is handled only within the applications that need the data.

As you may be aware, we can add additional fields in ServiceDesk Plus and certain fields hold sensitive data need to be encrypted to avoid any data breach.

With ServiceDesk Plus build 9412, we brought in a feature to encrypt request module additional fields. You can now encrypt while adding an additional field so that these fields will not be available for custom or DB query reports.

Single-line, Multi-line and Pick-list type fields can only be encrypted. Encryption option is available only while adding an additional field. Fields cannot be encrypted while editing an additional field. Also once the fields are marked for encryption, they cannot be unmarked.

Datatype of encrypted column in various databases.

Postgres: Bytea

MSSQL: Varbinary

Hope this post helps you encrypting the sensitive data. Cheers..!

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