Dear Users,
SDP 9414 has been released and can be downloaded from the URL below,
Issues fixed in 9414
Vulnerability :
SD-71123 : Vulnerability in the login page as domain filtering is not enabled.
SD-69907 : Vulnerability of a technician with request view only permission being able to add attachments and add/edit worklogs is fixed.
SD-68547 : Vulnerabilities fixed in requester search.
SD-65745 : Vulnerability fixed : Password has been encrypted in the Incoming Mail Server settings.
Requests :
SD-71938 : 9412 Breakage : Service templates are listed under 'Incident Catalog' tab even if the "Combine incident and service templates listing for the service' option is disabled in Self service portal.
SD-71876 : Task filter name is not encoded in requests list view.
SD-71587 : If a request has a table in its description field, then error occurs while printing that request.
SD-71180 : Description field is left blank in some cases where requests are created through Mail.
SD-71122 : Images in email signatures are considered as attachments while sending a reply to a request.
SD-70481 : Admin requester history is not recorded when a technician spot edits any requester's field in the request details page.
SD-69187 : Archived requests are not listed up while performing a Request ID search using the global search bar.
SD-68277 : Typo in the request approval success message has been rectified.
SD-66339 : When a Technician with permission to a particular group changes the group of a request, the resulting page redirects to the requests list view.
SD-64098 : The requester's list view doesn't load completely while creating a custom view and in Advanced Search when there is a large number of Requesters
SD-70909, SD-70770, SD-70017 : FAFR : Unable to create a request when a mandatory field present under resource section is hidden through FAFR.
SD-71188 : Field and form rules are not applied for disabled fields in IE.
SD-68439 : Request Status Scheduler popup doesn't appear for a Technician if his/her role doesn't have the FGA "Reopening Request" enabled under Advanced Permission.
Changes :
SD-71192 : Option to allow a Change Owner to globally edit a Change Request.
SD-71572 : While printing request/problem/change list view using the browser print option (Ctrl/Cmd + P), request URL gets added to prints.
SD-71094 : After saving default values for all user roles, values do not get reflected in change template roles tab.
SD-69947 : Non-login attribute link added in the subject of a change template exposes the key in change details page. Also, the description after the non-login link is not displayed.
SD-69784 : Alignment issue occurs in change details page if there are a number of users in a change roles field.
SD-69046 : Performance issue occurs in Change Form if there are a large number of options (few thousands) in any of the select component (site, group etc).
SD-68375 : Error exception report thrown instead of error messages across product.
Dashboard :
SD-71211 : Unable to open requests from the following dashboard widgets; 'SLA violated requests and requests', 'Requests received in last 20 days' and 'Requests closed in last 20 days'.
SD-71478 : Report widgets in dashboards page are not displaying custom reports.
Projects :
SD-71877 : Requester with a project owner role is not able to view task link present in the notification email. An authorization error is thrown.
Solutions :
SD-70665 : Public solutions are not displayed for requesters even if no user groups are selected.
Reports :
SD-71377 : Incorrect report data gets exported if we have selected 'default reports' as the filer option. Issue occurs while exporting reports in HTML, XLS, and CSV formats.
Others :
SD-71959 : Upgrade failure is not handled in foreign language setups for MS SQL databases.
SD-71188 : Field and form rules are not applied for disabled fields in IE.
SD-71177 : Mail fetching schedule does not function as per the fetch interval customization.
SD-70961 : While importing users from AD, notification gets triggered for the AAAUser table even if the username doesn't get changed.
SD-70932 : HTTP to HTTPS redirection settings are not retained after the upgrade.
SD-70917, SD-70881 : Loading screen doesn't get closed even after SDP gets started.
SD-70832 : Technician with SDSiteAdmin role with restriction to a specific site can edit requester accounts and provide all sites view permission to requesters.
SD-70822 : Application backup runs into an infinite looping condition if the primary key for the table is large.
SD-70777 : Login details appear even after selecting 'Don't show login details" option in the login page.
SD-70357 : In additional fields' pick list values, "+" symbol is getting replaced with space.
SD-70347 : When editing a requester's details who is also a purchase approver requester, site, and department data is not loaded.
SD-70222 : In a Multi-language license setup, where a requester login is personalized to Arabic, home page solution search throws an error (the same search works fine if the login is personalized to english).
SD-70213 : In SSO enabled setups, header tabs keeps reloading.
SD-70069 : While importing company logo under organization details, 'GIF Image' option is selected by default instead of 'All Files'.
SD-69952 : Department name gets duplicated during LDAP user import if the department name has some trailing space.
SD-69473 : Account lock option is enabled by default in fresh installations.
SD-68666 : UI glitch occurs near Available User Groups and Selected User Groups while creating a new announcement.
SD-68487 : Filter option "View Emergency Templates" under change template UI flows out of select box.
SD-67654 : Unable to log in to the application when domain filtering is disabled and there is no public domain.
SD-66169 : Alternative mail server configured under 'Outgoing' mail server settings does not work.
SD-40643 : User-defined fields are allowed to be imported using LDAP.
Please refer to the below link for the steps to install the patch.
Note : If Users facing issues, when invoking upgrade process from 9400 refer
post for solution.
Edwin Vasantha Kumar
Servicedesk Plus Team