Invoking UpdateManager.bat ( upgrade tool ) after upgrading to 9400

Invoking UpdateManager.bat ( upgrade tool ) after upgrading to 9400

Dear Users,

If you plan to upgrade to a hotfix over 9400, invoking the UpdateManager.bat file ( in windows setup ) from ServiceDesk\bin directory will not invoke the UpdateManager tool. It is because the UpdateManager.bat file which internally invoke the UpdMgr.bat file has reference to older conf file location. To over come this, before invoking the UpdateManager.bat file, download the attached UpdMgr.bat or UpdMgr.bat.txt file and save it as UpdMgr.bat under the ServiceDesk\bin\scripts directory.

This will make the UpdateManager tool to apply the subsequent hot fixes.This issue exists only for 9400 upgraded environment and not for fresh installation of 9400.

If you still have problem in invoking the UpdateManager tool, please reach us through

Apologies for the inconvenience caused.


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