[DidYouKnow - 9] Task automation with "Task Dependency" feature

[DidYouKnow - 9] Task automation with "Task Dependency" feature

Using "Task Dependency" mapping you can sequence the tasks to be performed within a request. Dependency mapping restricts users from closing tasks until the dependent tasks are closed. Task dependencies are important because sometimes the result of one task will form the input details for the following task.

Scenario: (User Onboarding):
Let consider a Service template for "On-boarding" with 3 tasks, the objective is to notify and auto-assign technicians/task owners consecutively as one task gets completed. These tasks are dependent on each other, consecutive tasks to be assigned to the technician only when the parent task gets closed. 

Configure the workflow on the Service template with a Task Dependency, refer to the screenshot given below.

Task 1 - Create user account details
Task 2 - Payroll setup (this Task cannot be done before Task 1)
Task 3 - Finance setup (this Task cannot be done before Task 1 and 2)

  • Select trigger task as " Automatically trigger tasks after Service Request creation."
  • Configure "Task Dependency
  • Make sure the technician in the child task is selected as "Mark"
  • When the Service ticket is created, immediately the task owner of T1, will be notified and the task will get assigned, when closes the task, the consecutive task T2 will be assigned on its completion, T3 will be notified and assigned 

  • Enable this notification "E-mail the owner when a task is assigned" from [Admin tab -> Notification rules ]
  • For the assignment of tasks from parent to child, happens after changing the parent task to "closed" status, however, using "Task Closing Rules" [admin tab -> helpdesk -> task closing rules] you can update this rule to use any task status as completed

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