How to stop Mail fetching before starting the application services in UAT ?

How to stop Mail fetching before starting the application services in UAT ?

1. When the application services are stopped, navigate to the bin folder [ServiceDesk Plus – MSP Home] \ bin in the command prompt and execute the startDB.bat 65432

2. Now navigate go to [ServiceDesk Plus – MSP Home] \ pgsql \ bin and execute psql.exe -U postgres -p 65432 -d servicedesk

3. Now you should be connected to the database. For MSSQL, connect to the SQL studio.

4. Execute the below queries one by one :
update outgoingmailserver set HOSTNAME ='ALPHA';
update outgoingmailserver set ALTERNATEHOSTNAME='BETA';
update incomingmailserver set HOSTNAME ='XYZ';
update TASK_INPUT set admin_status='4';

In very old builds - update TASK_INPUT set OPERATIONAL_STATUS=’his needs to be used)

5. Now start the application services and check.

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