JARs to customers
Mail Fetching: Subject Contains Unwanted Characters and Garbled Text
Issue: We use MIME for processing emails obtained from EWS. Unwanted characters and garbled text are present in the subject when fetching it from the MIME after decoding. Восстановить стату�� ACSID\WSID в базе Omega [2L] Ð Ð±Ð½Ð°Ñ Ñ Ð¶ÐµÐ½Ð¾ ...
Attachment Dropping: Failure to Decode File Names Properly During Mail Fetching
Issue: The attachment is dropped due to invalid extension. Issue ID : SD-118194 After decoding, the file name appears as: Orange Załącznik nr 1 - Podsumowanie - uzupełnienie. xlsx(Contains space in the extension) However, the actual file name should ...
Fix: Mail fetching stops due to invalid characters in the attachment name
Issue: Mail fetching being stopped due to invalid characters "?" , ":" in the filename. In this case, the eml file's subject contains ":" character and so, while uploading the .eml as attachment, error is thrown (Only in windows server) Trace: ...
Mail Fetching failure due to extra space in the file name
Log Trace : [16:57:37:843]|[01-03-2024]|[com.manageengine.servicedesk.mail.core.ProcessMailMessage]|[INFO]|[285]: Inside extractAttachments...| [16:57:37:843]|[01-03-2024]|[com.manageengine.servicedesk.mailutils.MailAPI]|[INFO]|[285]: Inside ...
Mail Fetching Failure due to Invalid Inline Image embedded with Invalid MimeContent
Log Trace : 1:36:32:641]|[01-10-2024]|[com.manageengine.servicedesk.mailutils.ModuleHandler]|[INFO]|[277]: module identified : null| [11:36:32:641]|[01-10-2024]|[com.manageengine.servicedesk.v3api.utils.InlineImageUtil]|[SEVERE]|[277]: text/plain - ...
Mail fetching failure when incoming mail contains delimiter of module other than Request & change and Unsupported Release module
When processing a incoming mail that contains a delimiter of module other than Request & change and the License applied in the environment that doesn't have access to Release module, then the following mail fetching failure issue will occur. ...
User defined fields is not getting populated for the user while using dynamic user addition in SAML
Issue: The user defined fields is not getting populated for the user while using dynamic user addition in SAML. Fix: We found out an issue in entity mismatch in internal user api level and fixed it. Check the "Jar Compatibility" section to download ...
Debug Prints in FastText Algorithm
Issue: The zia category/template prediction model loading thread got stuck for a long time. Instructions: -> Download the attached file (zlabs-ml-fasttext.jar.txt) and rename it to zlabs-ml-fasttext.jar. -> Stop the Application service -> Please take ...
Fix for Frequent Out of storage notification
Issue: Frequent "Out of storage" notifications in Bell notifications. What's happening in the backend. 1. Some of the mails aren't deleted from the mailbox after getting processed. 2. These mails are fetched again by SDP since SDP fetches all mails ...
Retain SDP logged in credentials after browser restart
The following two settings are mandatory for SDP to remember the credentials when closing and reopening the browser. To reopen last tabs: Go to settings, and search for "on start-up" Choose "Continue where you left off" To retain cookies on browser ...
Forgot Password link validity and email content
Change Forgot Password Link Validity To change the validity of forgot password link, please execute the below query and restart SDP service. Query: update globalconfig set paramvalue='1440' where parameter='FORGOT_PASSWORD_LINK_VALIDITY' and category ...
Fix for Attachment being dropped in 14501 series
Issue: Due to special characters in the attachment, the attachment from mails are getting dropped. Fix: 1. The special characters in the attachment are replaced with "_" character. (Fixed in 14505 build. SD-113853) 2. Even then if the attachment name ...
Fix - Add conversation only based on id in the subject
Issue: Recently, many customer have asking for a requirement to add conversation to request only when the request id is present in the subject of the mail in the desired format. Meaning, conversation addition shouldn't add based on mail headers like ...
Random Logout fix (SD-113692)
Fix for 14202 to 14504: Download and place the logout_random_sd-113692_14202_14504.fjar in '<sdp>/fixes' folder Restart SDP service for the changes to take effect. To revert, undo the changes and restart SDP service.
Unable to map the request to the user when from mail address has encoded value
Root Cause: When we get the from mail address from the mail as encoded value the user is not mapped to the request. Fix: We will decode the received encoded from mail address value while processing the mail. Check the "Jar Compatibility" section to ...
Mail Fetching : Inline Image URL Replace error.
Issue: Mail fetching is stopping due to inline image Handling. The problem with replacing inline image URLs is the underlying cause of the issue. The issue will occur during addition of conversation not in new request creation. ErrorTrace: ...
Fix jar for Cx 9203603 | Combination of SD-112701 and SD-113146
Attached .fjar file consists of two issue fixes. They are listed below SD-112701 - Email commands do not work if the incoming mails are fetched using Microsoft Graph. This issue occurs only if the commands are present at the end of the description ...
Disabling Email Notifications when new request creation via mail is restricted
Issue When new request creation through mail is restricted a email notification will be sent to the requester as below. We does not have option to disable this email notification. Fix Apply the attached fix jar to disable the notification. Note ...
Temporary fix jar for the attachment filename related problem in Mail fetching for CX ticket #9178069.
Root Cause: When retrieving an email with an attachment whose filename includes non-Latin characters, the filename extension is altered from .docx to .doc x (This issue is orginates from Microsoft side) Fix: We will change the received extension to ...
Headers are in English / Partial content is in English / Application Keys are shown after upgrade
Issue: Any of the following issues can occur. Issue can occur post upgrade too. Even if application is set to non-english language, headers are shown in English. Some portion in the application is still in English while the rest of the application is ...
Fix jar for Random Logout issue
Root Cause: When Sub Context Sessions expire, they result in the termination of the Root session, leading to a logout issue. Fix: We will verify whether it is Root context while session destroying to proceed logout. ISSUE ID : SD-113692 Check the ...
SAML | Multiple Login URLs for SAML Response
Issue: Even if SDP can be accessed with multiple URLs like internal.servicedesk.com and external.servicedesk.com, the SAML response is always received at the same URL that is configured in Alias URL. Fix: The acs_url column in the SAMLSP table can be ...
9205662 - Debug jar : SAML Dynamic User Addition
Issue: SAML login with existing user works, But Error while dynamic user addition. Debug: Additional prints will be printed in the serverout. Steps to get the Debug logs: Download the attached 14500_9205662_SAML_DYNAMIC_USER_ADDITION_DEBUG.fjar file ...
Unauthorized Access CSV Report for Users Not Present in the Application
Report Details: Currently, the application has not been recording data regarding login attempts when the username used is not available in the application. This report will store the login attempts with usernames who do not exist in the application. ...
StringOutOfBoundException in ProcessGraphMessage while processing the address headers
Issue: While Fetching some mails using graph we experience mail fetching stopping issue while processing the address headers of the mail. [08:07:18:693]|[09-20-2023]|[com.adventnet.servicedesk.helpdesk.mail.task.MailFetchingTask]|[SEVERE]|[108]: ...
Mail Fetching - Error while processing attachment and inline image.
Issue During the process of fetching emails, attachments are dropped as a result of the presence of directory traversal characters. Furthermore, an issue arises when processing inline images, this particular error related to inline images results in ...
StringOutOfBoundException in ProcessGraphMessage while processing the address headers
Issue: While Fetching some mails using graph we experience mail fetching stopping issue while processing the address headers of the mail. [08:07:18:693]|[09-20-2023]|[com.adventnet.servicedesk.helpdesk.mail.task.MailFetchingTask]|[SEVERE]|[108]: ...
Mail Fetching - The description of the Microsoft Teams invitation email is fetched in the iCalendar format
Issue The description of the Microsoft Teams invitation email will be in the "text/calendar" type, so it will be fetched in the iCalendar format. The fetched content will be as follows, BEGIN:VCALENDAR METHOD:REQUEST PRODID:Microsoft Exchange Server ...
#9006579 - Debug fjar for customer regarding ADlogin issue
Issue : ADLogin issue for single user, were the user is can't able to login resulting in invalid password. Debug : To analyze this further, we have prepared a debug jar to get additional prints in the serverout logs. Steps to apply this and collect ...
#8888147 - Debug jar for the customer
Issue: Junk Notification Filter isn't loading in the product. On viewing from the logs, there is an issue with query construction in the backend. Debug: To analyse this further, we have prepared a debug jar to get additional prints in the serverout ...
CSRF login Issue
Issue: CSRF token mismatch during login. Trace: [07:01:21:901]|[10-05-2021]|[com.adventnet.servicedesk.authentication.internal.LoginUtil]|[INFO]|[69]: Invalid login CSRF token provided ::: sessionToken : null; cookieToken : ...
Upgrade failure when migrating privileges for removed functions
LOG Trace : 03.08.2023 12:50:36 [com.zoho.postgres.migrate.DumpMigration] [SCHWERWIEGEND] : Problem during upgrade.com.zoho.postgres.exception.MigrationFailureException: Restoration failed for PRE_DATA at ...
Debug jar to check AutoLogout Case in Build 14304
Fjar Description: Attached fjar prints the Debug traces for AutoLogout case. Check the "Jar Compatibility" section to download the appropriate fix jar file (.fjar file). Check this link on how to apply the fjar file. Jar Compatibility Build No File ...
Fix: Email sending failed when one of the email address is invalid (throws 550 error code)
Issue: Mail sending failed when one of the recipients is invalid and mail server throws 550.xx error codes. [14:00:18:856]|[08-08-2023]|[SYSOUT]|[INFO]|[800]: DEBUG SMTP: Sending failed because of invalid destination addresses| ...
Removal of words in the query during Zia Approval Prediction
Issue: 'Approval' and 'Approvers' keywords are getting predicted as 'Approve' in the Zia approval prediction but expectation is that it should be predicted as 'Unable to Predict'. Fix: Please follow the below instructions: We've to add the words to ...
Problem while fetching a mail since the mail's boundary value is not enclosed with the double quotes.
Issue: The mail will not be fetched/processed since the boundary value of the email is not enclosed within double quotes. javax.mail.internet.ParseException will be thrown. Emails causing this type of error will not be moved to error folder. This ...
Upgrade Failure due to the presence of CtrlZ Failure
This issue (SD-118352) in fixed in version 14710. Post this release, these characters are handled in the migration itself. If you are planning to migrate from version less than 14610 to 14610, then you can directly migrate to 14710, to handle this ...
Query Executor Tool for PostGres
This tool is designed to execute queries in the customer environment by connecting the database by reading the database configuration file. We need to enter the query that we require to execute in queryToExecute.txt file. We can enter multiple ...
Zia Bot is not working after upgrding to 14300 or above
Issue: Due to a security fix for Chat module done in 14300, Zia Bot is not working when Requester or Technician Chat is disabled. Issue 1: After upgrading, starting the application server and opening Zia Bot Issue 2: Only when the technician chat is ...
Plaintext issues in Graph mail
Issue: While processing incoming mails with Graph, there were 2 issues found. 1. When plain text mail sent to application, the description gets trimmed to 250 characters. 2. When email commands are placed in the description of the mail at the end or ...
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