JARs to customers
HTML pre-processing fails to get the proper content during Zia's Approval Prediction
Issue: HTML pre-processing fails to get the proper content during Zia's Approval Prediction. This is because in the preprocessing new line is getting appended based on the <br> tag alone. But in the email content which is separated by line visually ...
Bypass concurrent login verification during mobile authentication.
Scenario: When we have an active session in the web browser, we're unable to log in via mobile. Fix: We will skip the verification of concurrent login when the request is made through mobile. Resolution: The fix for the issue has been attached with ...
Translations | Content in TFA page is not reflected in SDP
Issue: The changes made in Admin > Translation is not reflected in TFA pages, like changing from Google Authenticator to Microsoft Authenticator. Workaround: Unzip the i18n_fix_<fw_ver>.zip file Place the i18n_fix_<fw_ver>.fjar file in <sdp>/fixes ...
'row_count' in API input data of Zia Bot Custom Actions script is getting removed
Issue: Below script is used in the Zia Bot custom Actions to view the last five requests of that respective user. This is achieved by setting the row_count property in the input_data's list_info property of API. But in Zia Bot client handling, this ...
Invalid Token URL response - Debug
Issue: At times, the API call to refresh the access token is getting failed. Debug: Since, there isn't much information related to this in the log files, debug traces has been added to capture the actual error. Kindly follow the below steps to place ...
Push notifications to Android app - Fixed
Issue: Push notifications to android devices were not working due to deprecated FCM API. Fix: The push notifications to android devices were migrated to FCM's v1 HTTP APIs. Kindly follow the steps mentioned below to apply the fix 1. Download the ...
Unable to add request during Zia Category prediction when both category & sub-category is mandated
Issue: When the Zia category prediction is enabled and while raising the request using a template in which the category and subcategory are mandated while submitting the request, the category prediction pop-up comes up and on applying it the category ...
Inline Images are Not Fetched Properly due to the IsInline Property 'false' assignment
About : For the customers using Microsoft Graph or EWS, Microsoft API returns isInline as "false" for inline images in some environment. There is no known reasons behind this behaviour from their documentation. One such possible reason for this ...
Login | CAPTCHA is not shown | Account is not locked even after multiple tries (SD-121377)
Issue: The account is not locked when account lockout is configured and wrong password is entered multiple times Resolution: This is noted as issue SD-121377 and fixed in 14830. Kindly upgrade your application to 14830 or above. Workaround: If you ...
Debugging JAR for ESM outgoing configuration failure
Issue: Unable to save ESM outgoing configuration. Note: The fjar is only for debugging purpose. Before applying the .fjar file, kindly verify its compatibility in the "Jar Compatibility" section below. Steps to Apply the Debug FJAR and Collect Logs: ...
Forgot Password | increasing the password reset link's validity
To increase the link's validity: Connect to the database using the following link: https://pitstop.manageengine.com/portal/en/kb/articles/how-to-connect-to-the-servicedesk-database Run the below query (replace '<validity_in_mins>' with your value ...
SAML automatic redirection issue
Issue: The /SamlRequest URL is being accessed repeatedly, leading to the URL access limit being reached in only SAML enabled case. The SAML URL is triggered instead of displaying the login page, occurring only in cases where both Active Directory ...
Fix: Asset Replenishment Notification failure in Non-ESM setups
Issue: In non-ESM setups, when Graph is configured in the Outgoing settings, Asset Replenishment Notifications aren't sent. It failed with the below trace. ...
Reattempting Email Sending in Case of Timeout
Issue: Emails, including notification emails, failing to send due to a timeout. Fix: Emails will be retried once if they fail to send due to a timeout. Note: Before applying the .fjar file, kindly verify its compatibility in the "Jar Compatibility" ...
Login Failure Caused by CAPTCHA
Issue: When trying to log in, the error "Username or Password is incorrect" appears, even though the correct username and password are being used. This issue occurs because of a CAPTCHA problem. By default, after two unsuccessful login attempts, the ...
Link Support for Zia Bot Message View Custom Function
Issue: Unable to show link in Zia Bot using Zia Bot's Custom Function (Message View) Fix: Link Support Provided Ex: Custom Function deluge Code: return {"display_message": "[Test Link](https://www.google.com)"}; Compatible only for 14500 ...
Inline images dropped due to "x-png" image type
Issue: The embedded inline images in the mail gets dropped Reason: The embedded inline images in the content has the data uri as "". While processing this embedded image, we generate the inline image file name as ...
SAML | Incresing throttle for SAML request URL
Kindly add the following code in webapps/ROOT/WEB-INF/security/security-publicaccess.xml and restart SDP to increase the throttle limit for SamlRequestServlet URL. Here it's set as 45. You can change to any number you want per minute. <throttles ...
SAML | Configure KeyCloak as IDP
Setting up KeyCloak Download KeyCloak from their official website (Used v25 here). Open conf/keycloak.conf and enter the hostname Run sh kc.sh start-dev Create a user and login at http://localhost:8080 Setting up the IDP: To enable logging, go to ...
Mail Fetching : Out Of Storage Notifications Are Triggered Incorrectly
Issue: In some cases, out of storage notifications are triggered incorrectly while fetching mails. Issue ID: SD-119798 Fix: Use the provided fix JAR file to resolve the issue. Note: Before applying the .fjar file, kindly verify its compatibility in ...
ZIA: Out of office mail issue - Direct case
Issue: Incorrect approval prediction due to out of office mail contents. Fix: Before sending for approval prediction, a direct case to check if "out of office" phrase is present in the query. If yes, then show the status as "Unable to predict" ...
ZIA: Signature removal Issue in builds >=14202 (XGBoost algorithm)
Issue: Zia Reopen prediction fails because it is predicting the signature content of an email rather than the description. Fix: The greetings (hi, hello, dear, etc) and email labels (ServiceDesk\ZIA\resources\signature_removal\outlookHandler.txt) are ...
Mail Fetching: China Graph Could
Issue: Some properties are missing in the China Graph API, causing issues with mail fetching. Issue ID: SD-121065 Error Trace: com.microsoft.graph.http.GraphServiceException: Error code: BadRequest Error message: Parsing OData Select and Expand ...
High CPU Utilization during Backup
Cause: From 14740, below listed parameters will no longer be included in the command. As a result, when performing backups, 7-Zip utilizes a high number of CPU threads, leading to increased CPU usage. mmt - Sets number of CPU threads mmemuse - Sets a ...
Mail Fetching: Inability in Decoding 'iso-8859-8-i' Encoded Subjects Results In Mail Fetching failure
Issue: Mail fetching fails when the subject is encoded with 'iso-8859-8-i' due to the inability to decode the subject. This issue occurs across IMAP, POP, and EWS configurations. Issue ID: SD-120959 Error Trace for EWS: ...
Graph email debug
To debug the email fetching issue in #9967473: The customer signature is not getting fetched properly.
No Subject mails are not fetched into the application when using JavaMail (POP/IMAP)
Issue: When mail is sent with no subject, in some scenarios mail is not fetched into the application. Fix: We will check whether subject header is present or not before processing the header of the mail. Resolution: The fix for the issue has been ...
TFA : Failing Email Delivery of TFA Verification Code During Login
Issue: In a non-ESM setup with Graph configuration in the outgoing mail server settings, the sending of TFA verification codes via email fails when attempting to log in. Issue ID: SD-120339 Screenshot of Error: Trace of Error in Logs: ...
Mail Fetching: Inline Images Dropping Due to Invalid Extension
Issue: The inline image's file name from the email doesn't contain the extension. Example: filename = sys_attachment.dosys_id=5bb0751c8303b5dc96a238226daad371 As a result, the inline image gets stripped during the mail fetching process. The sender of ...
Revert of Behaviour Change SD-113078
Root Cause: Local Authentication need to be the first option during domain dropdown disabled case. Fix: When accessing the login page the Local Authentication is made as a default option followed by AD or LDAP during domain dropdown disabled case. ...
Debug Jar for Analysing Inline image issues
These jars attached in this article is used to debug the issues with sending mail that contains inline images with additional log prints. How To ? Download the ".fjar" file attached in this article corresponding to your build number. Build Number ...
Customize Login page and add JS scripts
Customize Login Page Start by going to Advanced Portal Settings (or Application Settings under ESM Directory) and click on "Customize Now" under Login Page Customizaion Start editing the HTML content to suit your needs by adding style/css content, ...
InResponseTo attribute in SAML Response is missing
Issue: Every SAML request has an ID and every SAML response should return this ID with the name InResponseTo. Most of the popular IDPs return this is now required to be verified. Response without InResponseTo: Expected Response: Solution: If your ...
9205662 - Debug jar : TFA verification mails are not sent
Issue: The graph is configured in the outgoing mail server settings, but the TFA verification emails are not being sent. Debug: the provided fjar in this KB will print Additional prints in the serverout. Steps to get the Debug logs: Download the ...
Pgsql: Connectivity issue due to pgsql driver (42.2.16) - Compatible till 13005
Why? PostgreSQL updated the default fallback behavior in the 42.2.16 driver in a way that breaks support for PostgreSQL instances. This version of the driver was bundled into ServiceDeskplus build version less than 13006. This PostgreSQL bug will ...
Common SAML Config Workarounds: same entity ID in prod, test; hide "Logout from SAML"
1. Prod and Test have same entity ID: When restoring backup from production instance to create a test instance, the entity ID and and the redirect URL are same as the one in the production instance and we are not able to configure SAML in the test ...
Error occurs after logging in due to SkipNV2Filter param in URL
Root cause: The SkipNV2Filter param was present in older versions of servicedesk and is removed now. So this should not be present in the URL in current versions. Resolution: Remove or edit the bookmark or the embedded link and remove this parameter ...
Troubleshoot "Trust this browser" in TFA
Troubleshooting: If TFA details need to be entered every time (after closing and opening browser / after reaching home or office / when IP changes) even if Trust this browser in enabled, 1. Check if "ADSTFA_xxxx" cookie is present on browser close ...
Debug: Inline / attachments are missing when signed mail gets processed using Graph
Issue: When processing a signed mail using Graph, inline images / attachments are missing. Signed mails are handled differently and due to "application/ms-tnef" content-type header in the mail, identifying a mail as signed has failed. Due to this, ...
Zia Bot request creation XSS issue in 14506 and above
Issue: Script gets executed in request details page when a script content is given in the description field while creating requests via Zia Bot. Issue occurs due to a breakage in v14506 . Fix: Sanitize the description field during request creation ...
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