ZOHO reports or Analytics Plus Tables reference / issues troubleshooting

ZOHO reports or Analytics Plus Tables reference / issues troubleshooting

When you face an issue in ZOHO reports or Analytics Plus issue, please send the below details for troubleshooting the same.

Save the ZOHO reports / Analytics plus configuration once and gather the below files :

1. zip the log folder present under <supportcenter>/server/default -> log and send it to us.
2. Also zip the uploadtool folder present under SupportCenter\zreports and send it to us.
3. send SCP and ZOHO reports or analytics Plus build numbers
4. send the below query reports output. Ask them to send the PDF format of it.

select * from uvhvalues where pattern like '%zrdynamicvalues%'
select * from SERVICECONFIG where SERVICEID in (select SERVICEID from SERVICES where servicename='zrsyncinfo');

select * from zrsharedusers

5. send ZOHO reports / Analytics plus the snapshot of the configuration page.
6. Click Support ->  Schedule Activities  and send details related to ZReportsScheduleSync and ZReportsCleanUp .  

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