select dbobj.displayname AS "View Name", createdusermail.email_id as "Created By", to_timestamp(createdtime/1000) AS "Created On", modusermail.email_id AS "Last Modified By", to_timestamp(lastdesignmodtime/1000) AS "Last Modified Time"
FROM zdbdbobject dbobj left join iamuser createduser on dbobj.owner_zuid=createduser.zuid left join iamuseremail createdusermail on createduser.user_auto_id=createdusermail.user_auto_id left join iamuser moduser on dbobj.designmodby_zuid=moduser.zuid left join iamuseremail modusermail on moduser.user_auto_id=modusermail.user_auto_id where dbobj.dbid=<DBID> and dbobj.type!=8;
Replace the <DBID> with the workspace ID of the respective workspace that you wish to perform audit on.
Workspace ID is the number shown in the URL when you open a workspace or the number shown in the workspace hyper link.
For connecting to the Analytics Plus database, please refer the below connection details.
Hope that helps.