Workspace Audit information collection

Workspace Audit information collection

The below query could be used to collect the audit information requested by connecting to the Analytics Plus database using local DB import.

select dbobj.displayname AS "View Name", createdusermail.email_id as "Created By", to_timestamp(createdtime/1000) AS "Created On", modusermail.email_id AS "Last Modified By", to_timestamp(lastdesignmodtime/1000) AS "Last Modified Time"
FROM zdbdbobject dbobj left join iamuser createduser on dbobj.owner_zuid=createduser.zuid left join iamuseremail createdusermail on createduser.user_auto_id=createdusermail.user_auto_id left join iamuser moduser on dbobj.designmodby_zuid=moduser.zuid left join iamuseremail modusermail on moduser.user_auto_id=modusermail.user_auto_id where dbobj.dbid=<DBID> and dbobj.type!=8;

Replace the <DBID> with the workspace ID of the respective workspace that you wish to perform audit on. 

Workspace ID is the number shown in the URL when you open a workspace or the number shown in the workspace hyper link.

For connecting to the Analytics Plus database, please refer the below connection details.

Hope that helps.

Note: Please reach out to support team to find the PostgreSQL password.

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