Workaround to add Region Field in Servicedesk plus data

Workaround to add Region Field in Servicedesk plus data

With the out of the box integration, we don't bring 'Region' details from the ServiceDesk Plus.

However, you can follow the below steps to import the region details into a new table
1. Import using Local Database by connecting to the Servicedesk Plus Database:

2. Point the source as Servicedesk Plus DB:

3. Use the custom Query Option and paste this query

select workorder.workorderid as "Request ID", as "SITE",regiondefinition.regionname as "REGION" from workorder left join sitedefinition on workorder.siteid=sitedefinition.siteid left join sdorganization on sdorganization.org_id=sitedefinition.siteid left join regiondefinition on regiondefinition.regionid=sitedefinition.regionid;

4. Name the new Table name as 'Region':

5. After successful import, make sure to schedule it in case the site and region values often change in your Servicedesk plus:

6. Edit the Region Table and set the Request ID field as Lookup column to the 'RequestID' field in 'Request' table as below:

Once you have done the above steps, The Region table and the region field in it will be available for any report creation. 

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