WMI-Configure Non-Admin User Account for WMI based Monitors

WMI-Configure Non-Admin User Account for WMI based Monitors

1)Add the user(s) in question to the Performance Monitor Users group
2)Run wmimgmt.msc
  • Under Services and Applications, bring up the properties dialog of WMI Control
  • In the Security tab, highlight Root\CIMV2, click Security; add Performance Monitor Users and enable the options : Enable Account and Remote Enable

3) Run dcomcnfg.exe
  • At Component Services > Computers > My Computer, in the COM security tab of the Properties dialog click "Edit Limits" for both Access Permissions and Launch and Activation Permission.

  • Add Performance Monitor Users and allow Remote Access, Remote Launch, and Remote Activation.

4)In the same dcomcnfg.exe, Select Windows Management Instrumentation under Component Services > Computers > My Computer > DCOM Config and give Remote Launch and Remote Activation privileges to Performance Monitor Users Group.

Note :
  • As an alternatively to step 3 and 4, one can assign the user to the group Distributed COM Users.
  •  If the user needs access to all the namespaces, you can set the settings in 2. at the Root level, and recurse the permissions to the sub-namespaces via the Advanced window in Security.

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