Windows-WMI -No CPU Data: Win32_PerfRawData_PerfProc_Process returns "Invaild Class" through WBEMTEST

Windows-WMI -No CPU Data: Win32_PerfRawData_PerfProc_Process returns "Invaild Class" through WBEMTEST

1) Start Regedit.exe. (You cannot use Regedt32.exe because it does not allow searching for registry values.)

2)Find "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\services\PerfProc\Performance"

3)Check if  there is a key "Disable Performance Counters" and with value set to "1",which means it is DISABLED.

4)Either Delete the key ,or set the value to "0".

5)Reboot of the server is required.

For other Performance Counters that may be disabled,this needs to be checked.Refer the solution provided by microsoft below:

    1. Start Regedit.exe. (You cannot use Regedt32.exe because it does not allow searching for registry values.)Click to select the following key
    2. HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services
    3. Select Find from the Edit menu.
    4. In the Find What field, type Disable Performance Counters.
    5. Click Find Next. This will locate a Performance key that may have this Registry value set to 1.
    6. If the Registry value is set to 1, set the value to 0 or delete the Registry value.
    7. Press F3 to find the next occurrence of this Registry value.
    8. Repeat the previous two steps until there are no Performance keys that have the Disable Performance Countersvalue set to 1.

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