Windows Cluster - No Data Available (or) False Alerts

Windows Cluster - No Data Available (or) False Alerts

Steps to troubleshoot:

1)Navigate to APMhome\working\conf\application\scripts and execute the below mentioned commands one by one, and share the output screenshot with us.

To get cluster inventory & related info:
Usage: cscript wincluster.vbs <ClusterName> <UserName> <Password> <ClusterObjectCode>


The ClusterObjectcode is given below.


          All Object Details - 0 

          Cluster Object - 1 

          Cluster Networks - 2 

          Cluster Nodes - 3    

          Cluster Disks - 4   

          Cluster ResourceGroups - 5 

          Cluster Resources - 6 

             Cluster Network Interfaces - 7 

To get performance data:

cscript wincluster_perf.vbs <ClusterName> <UserName> <Password> <PerformanceCounterCode>

The PerformanceCounterCode is given below.

All Performance Details     - 0
Network Reconnection        - 1
Multicast Request & Reply   - 2
Resource Control Manager    - 3   
Resource Type Stats         - 4  
Network Messages            - 5

For Example : cscript wincluster_perf.vbs servcluster1 domain\admin admin 0 
Note : Make sure via wbemtest if the namespace "root\mscluster" is accessible & all permissions are provided.

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