Why do some of the tables in the Websphere details page not have any data? Some of the fields display the value "NA".

Why do some of the tables in the Websphere details page not have any data? Some of the fields display the value "NA".

  • Check if you have set the PMI level to "Standard" for version 5.x and "All" for version 6.x and above.
  • Restart the Websphere server (all the Appservers in the Network Deployement for ND) after the above change
      For version 8 and above:
                  1. Go to servers->application servers -> <Appserver> -> Performance -> Performance Monitoring Infrastructure (PMI).
                  2. Enable the option Enable Performance Monitoring Infrastructure(PMI).
                  3. Select Currently monitored statistics set as Basic

      For version 6 and 7:
    1. Go to servers->application servers -> <Appserver> -> Performance -> Performance Monitoring Infrastructure (PMI).
    2. Enable the option Enable Performance Monitoring Infrastructure(PMI)
    3. Set the PMI level to "ALL" and restart the particular Appserver.
      For version 5:
    1. Go to servers ->application servers -> <Appserver> -> Additional properties -> Performance Monitoring Service
    2. Set the PMI level to "Standard"
    3. Enable the option "server should start the service automatically at startup" with the field name "startup".
  • Restart the Appserver after the above configuration changes.

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