Why am I getting a troubleshoot link for the attributes shown in .NET monitor pages?

Why am I getting a troubleshoot link for the attributes shown in .NET monitor pages?


The WMI class is not available or not registered.


1. Execute the following command, in the remote machine where .NET is running : 

      <wmiadap /f>

This will reconstruct and register the WMI classes. 

2. In Applications Manager, go to the problematic .NET monitor details page and click the 'Edit Monitor' link present in the right side menu. This opens the monitor configuration page.

3. In the monitor configuration page, give the password and save the settings. 

4. Check whether the data is collected for the attributes for which the troubleshoot link was shown.

5. If the data is still not shown, contact our support portal, at appmanager-support@manageengine.com, with the following details: 

  • OS version and Service Pack details of remote machine. Say for example Windows 2003 with Service Pack 1.
  • WMI ADAP log file in the remote machine. This is present in the folder 'C:\WINDOWS\system32\wbem\Logs\wmiadap.log'.
  • In the Applications Manager host machine, navigate to 'APPMANAGER_HOME/working/conf/application/scripts'.
  • Kindly invoke the 'wmiDotNetDebug.vbs' script with the syntax as follows : 

    cscript wmiDotNetDebug.vbs<Hostname> <username> <passdowrd> >> debug.txt

  • After executing the above command, you will get a debug.txt file. Send this file, to the support portal mentioned above, along with the other details requested. 

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