While configuring Microsoft 365, I get "Untrusted certificate provider" error message.

While configuring Microsoft 365, I get "Untrusted certificate provider" error message.

Error Message:

While M365 configuration, I get an error " Untrusted certificate provider "



Possible Root Cause:

This error occurs when certificate based authentication is used in firewall, and the product's JRE does not trust the certificate. To rectify this condition, the certificates must be added to the JRE's trusted certificate store. Or another possible cause could be the expiration date of the certificate.


Possible Solutions:

In order to create trust, we will need to add the certificate to the trust store.


1. To add the certificate to the trust store,

Step 1: Navigate to <product_installation_directory>/jre/bin.

Step 2: Open command prompt as an administrator.

Step 3: Run the following command:

   keytool.exe -import -trustcacerts -alias "certAlias" -file "certPath" -keystore ..\lib\security\cacerts


certAlias - A name of your choice.

certPath - Path of the certificate.

Step 4: You will be prompted for a password. The default password is changeit.

Step 5: Provide the password and hit Enter.

Step 6: Restart the product.


2. To make sure that the certificate passes this test, check whether the certificate actually expired or was applied before it became active. Then, take one of the following actions:

a. If the certificate actually expired or was applied before it became active, a new certificate must be generated that has the appropriate expiration dates.

b. If the certificate didn't expire or wasn't applied before it became active, verify the time on the client and server computers, and then update them as required.


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