Where to get the Tenancy's OCID and User's OCID?

Where to get the Tenancy's OCID and User's OCID?

Tenancy's OCID

Get the tenancy OCID from the tenancy details page in the Oracle cloud infrastructure console:

1. Open the navigation menu, under "Governance and Administration", go to "Administration" and click "Tenancy details".


2. The tenancy OCID will be shown under "Tenancy information". You can copy it to your clipboard.


User's OCID

Get the user's OCID from the "User details" page in the console. To get to that page:
  1. If you are signed in as "User", open the user menu and click "User Settings".
  2. If you are signed in as a "Admin", click Identity -> Users and then select the user from the list.

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