When I am executing programs from the Actions menu from Application Manager the program gives me the message: "The Program exited with code 1". The action has been successfully executed but nothing happens when I run the program.The batch file works fine when I execute it.

When I am executing programs from the Actions menu from Application Manager the program gives me the message: "The Program exited with code 1". The action has been successfully executed but nothing happens when I run the program.The batch file works fine when I execute it.

Solution: When you use batch scripts(.bat), always use at least 2 batch scripts, one script starting another one.   E.g.: 
script1.bat: call scriptx.bat 
scriptx.bat: echo 'hello'
It's also good to know how script1.bat works on the machine so send the output to log file.
script1.bat: call scriptx.bat > script1.log
When your script works fine and you still get the message: "The Program exited with code 1" then add at the end of script1.bat following command:
set %errorlevel=0

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