What should I do if I have received mail saying transaction logs full?

What should I do if I have received mail saying transaction logs full?

You will receive this error if you are using Microsoft SQL back end for Applications Manager and if the transaction log for Applications Manager database or tempdb becomes full. If the log fills up, Applications Manager can only read and show data but cannot insert or update data being collected. User action is required to make log space available.

Solution: You can try the following steps to fix this problem:
  1. Shutdown Applications Manager.
  2. If you have sufficient disk space, increase the size of log file or add another log file to database.
  3. If you do not have sufficient disk space, move the log file to a disk drive with sufficient space or free disk space so that the log can automatically grow.
  4. Take a backup of the transaction logs of the Applications Manager back end database. For ex: BACKUP LOG AMDB TO DISK = 'd:\AMDB.bak'
  5. Change the Applications Manager back end database recovery mode to SIMPLE. For ex: ALTER DATABASE AMDB SET RECOVERY SIMPLE;
  6. Execute the DBCC SHRINKDATABASE for the back end database. For ex: DBCC SHRINKDATABASE (AMDB);
  7. For enabling future database backups, change the database recovery mode to FULL. For ex: ALTER DATABASE AMDB SET RECOVERY FULL;
  8. Start Applications Manager.

Note : If you do not have sufficient disk space or log file allocated space the problem may occur again after some time. It is recommended that you allocate sufficient disk / log file space for the SQL Database back end. For disk space requirement refer the following System requirements link: https://www.manageengine.com/products/applications_manager/help/system-requirements.html

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