Upgrade form version 12.0 and above to latest 12.2
Download the PPM file from the below link:
Shut down OpManager. (If OpManager is running as a windows service,
stop the service from 'Control Panel' > 'Services' window and close
the window)
End the processes: Open the Task Manager and make sure the processes 'java' and postgres are terminated. If not, terminate the processes.
2. Start command prompt as an administrator [cmd > right click --> run as administrator] Click here to see the screenshot.
3. Backup the complete <OpManager_Home> directory to a safe location.
4. Launch Update Manager - Go to '<OpManager-home-directory>/bin' folder and run the script 'UpdateManager.bat' (UpdateManager.sh for Linux).
5. Click 'Browse' button to select the Upgrade Pack file (the .ppm file that you'd downloaded) and choose 'Install'.
6. Follow the on-screen instructions to apply the Service/Upgrade Pack.
7. Once the upgrade is complete.
8. Start OpManager Service for the changes to take effect.
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