Updating the ADSelfService Plus Login Agent for macOS

Updating the ADSelfService Plus Login Agent for macOS

The ADSelfService Plus login agent for macOS can be updated from the ADSelfService Plus admin portal, manually through the Terminal on the machine running macOS, or via tools like Endpoint Central.

Updating the login agent through the ADSelfService Plus portal

 From the ADSelfService Plus admin portal,


  1. Navigate to Configuration > Administrative Tools > GINA/Mac/Linux (Ctrl+Alt+Del) > GINA/Mac/Linux Installation > Installed Machines.

  2. Select the machines where the agent is to be updated and click Reinstall.


Once done, you can check if the latest version of the login agent has been updated in all the selected workstations, in the Version column of the Installed Machines Report.

Updating the login agent manually  
If you are updating the agent manually, you will need to first uninstall the existing installation before reinstalling the new version.

Steps to manually uninstall the existing installation: 

1. Open the Terminal on the machine running macOS.

2. Navigate to the directory where the ADSelfService Plus Login Agent is installed.
3. Paste the below command and execute it.

sudo -S -u root sh uninstall.sh


Once uninstalled, please follow the manual installation steps in this guide (refer to, For macOS clients) to update the login agent to the latest version.


Updating the login agent via Endpoint Central

If you wish to deploy the login agent via Endpoint Central, you will have to replace the existinADSelfServicePlusMacLoginAgent.pkg file in the Endpoint Central configuration with its updated version, before reinstalling the agent. You can find the steps in this guide (refer to, Steps for installing the login agent on macOS machines).

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