Update Change Roles using Change Custom Function

Update Change Roles using Change Custom Function

This is a sample Deluge script to set Line Manger field.
When a Change Request is created, ChangeRequester's reporting_to user is set as the Line Manager automatically, using Change Custom Triggers.

This is achieved by submitting a update request to the application in a specific JSON format, a example of which is give below.

{"operations": [{"input_data": {"change": {"roles": [{"users": [{"name": "Hugo.Weaving", "email": "Agent.Smith@Matrix.WB"}], "name":
"Line Manager"}]}}, "operation_name": "UPDATE_ROLES"}], "message": "Updating Change Roles through Custom Trigger"}

User Case:
Assume Service Request template in request module.  We have option to send automatic approvals to a $REPORTING_TO$ user automatically. 
Similarly, In change module we do not have the option to automatically set the Line Manager to $REPORTING_TO$ user of the ChangeRequester.  This can be achieved using a custom script. 

Execution steps: 
1. Copy the script content and Goto > Admin > Request Custom Function > New.  Paste the copied content and save it with a name.

2. Configure the script under the Admin > Change custom triggers.

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