Update Change Impact based on Selected Assets Business impact value

Update Change Impact based on Selected Assets Business impact value

This requirement includes 3 global functions, 1 change custom action and 1 change custom trigger.


Step 1: getConfiguration Global Function


1) Go to Admin ->  change custom function -> global function-> Add new --> Mention function name and Return Type as Map (Refer below screenshot)

2) Copy the content from getConfiguration.txt file and paste it inside custom function

3) Replace servername,port with SDP Hosted URL and Technician key

4) Save the global function, Edit the saved function and note it down the global functionId (In the screenshot the global function id is global_function_7)






Step 2: getImpact Global Function


1) Go to Admin ->  Change Custom Function -> global function-> Add new --> Mention function name and Return Type as Map (Refer below screenshot)

2) Add 2 parameters ciid,helpdeskID under parameters section as shown in the below screenshot

3) Copy the content from  getAssetImpact.txt file and past it inside custom function

4) Replace global_function_7 with the global functionId that saved in Step 1: getConfiguration Global Function

5) Replace the business_impact_udf_name field name value and save the global function

we can get the udf id of business impact attribute from this query
select attributeid from attributes where attribute='ae.cmdb.base.businessImpact'

For example if the attributeid is 100000001, we have to replace
business_impact_udf_name = "udf_pickref_100000001"


6) Edit the saved function and note it down the global functionId (In the screenshot the global function id is global_function_5)




 Step 3: updateChangeImpact Global Function


1) Go to Admin ->  change custom function -> global function-> Add new --> Mention function name and Return Type as Map (Refer below screenshot)

2) Add 3 parameters change_id, impact_id,helpdeskID under parameters section as shown in the below screenshot

3) Copy the content from updateChangeImpact.txt  and past it inside custom function

4) Replace global_function_7 with the global functionId that saved in the  Step 1: getConfiguration Global Function and save the global function





Step 4 : updateChangeImpactFromAssetImpact change custom function


1) Go to Admin ->  Change Custom Function -> Custom actions -> Add new

2) Copy the content from updateChangeImpactFromAssetImpact.txt file , and past it inside custom function

3) Update impact_preference list starting with the lowest preference to the highest preference

For example

impact_preference = ["Low","Medium","Normal","High","Highest"]

4) Replace global_function_5 with the global functionId that saved in Step 2: getAssetImpact Global Function

5) Replace global_function_4 with the global functionId that saved in Step 3: updateChangeImpact Global Function

6) Save the global function




Step 5 : Configuring Change Custom Trigger for updating the Change Impact


1)Go To Admin-> Change Custom Triggers -> add new

2) Select Execution the action value and Criteria

3) Under Perform Action select Action Type as Execute Custom Functions and Script file to run as the Function that under in Step 4 : updateChangeImpactFromAssetImpact change custom function

4) Save the trigger




5. Now create a Change with some assets selected and Save the change, If the Change Custom Trigger criteria is matched that created in Step 5, Change impact value will be updated with the highest preference of selected asset business impact value


For Example : 3 assets selected

machine1 --> Low Business Impact

machine2 --> Normal Business Impact

machine3 --> Highest Business Impact

Once change is created with above three assets change impact value is updated as Highest

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