Unique Key Exception in softwarelist or softwaremanufacturer table in DBMigration

Unique Key Exception in softwarelist or softwaremanufacturer table in DBMigration

Unique Key Exception in the softwarelist or softwaremanufacturer table encountered during DB Migration from PostgreSQL to MSSQL.

[07:25:00:717]|[10-22-2024]|[com.adventnet.db.adapter.mssql.MssqlDBAdapter]|[SEVERE]|[62]: Problem while executing ALTER SQL in DB. 
The CREATE UNIQUE INDEX statement terminated because a duplicate key was found for the object name 'dbo.SoftwareManufacturer' and the index name 'SoftwareManufacturer_UK1'. The duplicate key value is (Canon Inc.).| 
java.sql.SQLException: The CREATE UNIQUE INDEX statement terminated because a duplicate key was found for the object name 'dbo.SoftwareManufacturer' and the index name 'SoftwareManufacturer_UK1'. The duplicate key value is (Canon Inc.).
at com.microsoft.sqlserver.jdbc.SQLServerException.makeFromDatabaseError(SQLServerException.java:262)
at com.microsoft.sqlserver.jdbc.SQLServerStatement.getNextResult(SQLServerStatement.java:1632)
at com.microsoft.sqlserver.jdbc.SQLServerStatement.doExecuteStatement(SQLServerStatement.java:872)

[07:25:09:828]|[10-22-2024]|[com.adventnet.db.adapter.mssql.MssqlDBAdapter]|[SEVERE]|[64]: Problem while executing ALTER SQL in DB. 
The CREATE UNIQUE INDEX statement terminated because a duplicate key was found for the object name 'dbo.SoftwareList' and the index name 'SoftwareList_UK'. The duplicate key value is (Intel® Arc�� Control, 1).| 
java.sql.SQLException: The CREATE UNIQUE INDEX statement terminated because a duplicate key was found for the object name 'dbo.SoftwareList' and the index name 'SoftwareList_UK'. The duplicate key value is (Intel® Arc�� Control, 1).
at com.microsoft.sqlserver.jdbc.SQLServerException.makeFromDatabaseError(SQLServerException.java:262)

Steps to resolve the issue (for versions 14920 and later):
  1. Windows : Remove the "rem" from the following line in the migrateDB.bat file and initiate the DBMigration with new destination Database name:
    1. rem set JAVA_OPTS=-DhandleColTables="SoftwareList,SoftwareManufacturer"
  1. Linux : Remove the "#" from the following line in the migrateDB.sh file and initiate the DBMigration with new destination Database name:
    1. #JAVA_OPTS="-DhandleColTables=SoftwareList,SoftwareManufacturer"
Steps to resolve the issue (for versions earlier than 14920):
  1. Step 1: In Source, kindly check the row count in the SoftwareList and SoftwareManufacturer Table.
  1. Step 2: Apply the attached jars (0.jar and 1.jar) in the library folder.
  1. Step 3: Before start of the DBMigration, kindly check the parameter "migration.resume.disable" is set as true in db_migration.conf.
  1. Step 4: Invoke the migrateDB.bat file.   
  1. Step 5: Enter the destination DB Credentials and start the DB Migration.
  1. Step 6: After migration is completed, kindly remove the jars from the library folder and check the row count in the SoftwareList and SoftwareManufacturer Table in the Destination DB.
  1. Step 7: Additionally on executing the below queries in destination DB, no results should be found.
    1. select * from softwarelist where SOFTWARENAME LIKE CONCAT(SOFTWAREID, ',%');
    1. select * from SoftwareManufacturer where NAME LIKE CONCAT(SWMANUFACTURERID, ',%');
After the Successful migration, the duplicates which are removed in the destination DB are listed in the log file. The list can be identified with the trace "@@@ SoftwareList Duplicates" and "@@@ SoftwareManufacturer Duplicates" in DBmigration logs. 

InfoNote: Since removing duplicates, it is expected that the Sanity test will fail for SoftwareList, SoftwareManufacturer, and any tables associated with them. The Sanity test will only run if "Production" is selected during the DB Migration.

Jar Compatibility:

Compatible Jar
14610 - 14700
14810 - 14850

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