Uninstalling agent 1.0.28

Uninstalling agent 1.0.28

There is a known issue with the uninstalling of agent version 1.0.28

The issue occurs if you try to uninstall the given version from Agent Installed list view post SDP 9420 and AE 6205.

How to confirm the issue:
1. Go to Assets > Agent Installed.
2. Select an asset that has the version 1.0.28 installed.
3. Try to uninstall using the options available.
4. Uninstall will fail.

Workaround and Fixes:

The issue has various workarounds that can be given to the customer to uninstall the agent.

The following are the workarounds, listed in priority of how they should be applied. Whenever possible, try to use the highest written workaround:
 1. New agent version 1.0.29 will be released in SDP 10003 and AE 6209. The customers can upgrade the agent version from the same UI and then uninstall the agent.
2. The agent can be manually uninstalled from the machine.
3. The customer can run a vbs script in his AD in all machines with admin privileges, and then he can uninstall the agent from the UI after that. The script is available as an attachment.

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