This article explains the step to follow, if some one comes across the issue where executing the uninstall option leads to the installation wizard and the user is shown the steps to install the product instead of steps to uninstall.
To rectify the above issue, one can follow the below steps:
- These steps can be used for both Applications Manager and EUM Agent.
- One has to check for the corresponding folder location and name based on the application with which one has the issue.
- Here in this article, we have demonstrated the steps with the screenshots of the EUM Agent only.
Step 1: Open the file location
- From the Windows -> Programs List, select the particular service/application which one want to uninstall and expand it to find the various options.
- From the list Right click on the "Uninstall" option -> More -> Open file location.
Refer the screenshot below.
Step 2: Open Properties
- From the windows explorer that was opened and select the "Uninstall" option
- Right click on it and choose "Properties".
Refer the screenshot below.
Step 3: Check the Target details
- In the Properties Window that got opened, check the value in the "Target" field
- It might contain the exe name as "Setup.exe"
- Now copy the complete folder location present before "Setup.exe"
- Sample location: C:\Users\alaghu-4175\AppData\Roaming\InstallShield Installation Information\{643B870B-84F3-486E-9CBD-E28A86257153}\
- Open the same folder location which is present in the "Target" field
Refer the screenshot below.
Step 4: Find the ".exe" name
- In the folder path mentioned in the "Target" field, one can find an ".exe" application
- Copy the name of that application
- Sample name: EUM_Agent_64bit.exe
- Sample name: ManageEngine_ApplicationsManager_64bit.exe (in case of Applications Manger)
Refer the screenshot below.
Step 5: Rename the exe in the properties
- Open the properties and find the "Target" value as mentioned in Step 2 & 3.
- Rename the "Setup.exe" to "EUM_Agent_64bit.exe"
- Or whatever name copied using the Step 4
- Sample name: ManageEngine_ApplicationsManager_64bit.exe (in case of Applications Manger)
- Click on Apply and Ok
Refer the screenshot below.
Step 6: Try uninstalling again
Now try uninstalling the application from the control panel and see if it works as expected