Issue description:
The issue occurs when the user has upgraded from 9427 to 1050X builds and then tries the sync for the first time. The sync will fail because we are still maintaining the AMOUNT PAID column in billhistory table in sync xmls even though the column is removed from the table in the database.
So, technically for a customer who has upgraded and tried to sync, it will fail.
Remove the configuration (using the remove option under Analytics Page in Admin)
Navigate to PROD_HOME\zreports\sync\conf
Edit the file ZRMEModules.xml and remove the entry <column alias="Amount Paid" name="AMOUNTPAID"/> present under BillDetails module and save
Add the configuration back in the Analytics page and resync it should work.
Note: This step is applicable for both Zoho Reports (cloud) and Zoho Analytics (On-Prem).