Unable to start the product, a popup displays the error message: PGSQL is currently in use by another program or is being blocked by antivirus software.

Unable to start the product, a popup displays the error message: PGSQL is currently in use by another program or is being blocked by antivirus software.

ADManager Plus might not start properly if, as the error message states, the PostgreSQL database used by the product is already running or if it is being blocked by the antivirus application.

Possible reasons:  

ADManager Plus startup issues, pertaining to the error message mentioned in the title could be because of:
- The product being blocked by the anti-virus software.
- The PostgreSQL instance used by the product is already running, the port assigned to it is blocked or already in use.
- The user does not have sufficient permissions on the ADManager Plus installation folder.


Troubleshooting steps:  

Perform the following steps to resolve this ADManager Plus startup issue.

  1. Exclude the entire ADManager Plus installation folder from the anti-virus software installed on the server where the product is installed.

  1. Check if the PostgreSQL instance used by the product is already running by verifying it in Task Manager.

  1. Grant Full Control to the ADManager service account or the user account who is logged in for the ADManager Plus installation folder.

  1. Verify and stop the file locker or windows scanner running in the background.

  1. Ensure the availability of the PostgreSQL database's port. You can check this using the command: netstat -ano | findstr 33306


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