During installation in console mode, most of the Linux(VM) users are experiencing issues with port check and they are unable to proceed. To avoid this, please use ISS or UI based installation option.
Error trace: Ports are occupied
Follow the below steps for ISS installation:
1- Download the attached apluslinux.properties file and move it to the Application server.
2- Edit the apluslinux.properties file and update the installation directory(give the path where the application need to be installed) and the web server port number.
3- Execute the below command to run the installation.(The application will get installed on the backend. We can directory go head and start the service. )
./ManageEngine_AnalyticsPlus_64bit.bin -i silent -f <file path>/apluslinux.properties
4- Use the below command to start and stop the service.
authbind --deep nohup sh app_clt.sh run &
sh shutdown.sh
Note: This was reported as an issue and will be fixed in our future build.