Unable to connect to the host / port
Follow the below steps to troubleshoot the error
- Make sure the service you're trying to connect to is actually running on the designated host.
- Confirm the port number is correct.
- If the monitor supports SSL, try enabling or disabling the SSL is enabled setting in the Add/Edit Monitor page and retry.
- Ensure the service is accessible from the Applications Manager server.
- Ping Test: Try pinging the host to check if it’s reachable.
- Telnet Test: Test if the specified port is open using a telnet client.
- Direct URL Access: Open the service’s URL (e.g., http(s)://[Host/IP]:[Port]) directly in a browser to verify the service is accessible.
- If your environment requires the use of a proxy server to access the service (http(s)://[Host/IP]:[PORT]/), then configure it in Applications Manager. To know how to configure proxy in Applications Manager, [click here].
- If proxy is configured in Applications Manager and you want to bypass the service host/IP from routing through the proxy then add the host/IP under the "Do not use proxy for addresses beginning with" column in the same 'Configure Proxy' page in Settings > Product Settings > Proxy Server Settings.
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