Unable to Connect the bundled PGSQL from outside the server after upgrading to 14300

Unable to Connect the bundled PGSQL from outside the server after upgrading to 14300

Inorder to connect  our bundled postgres from External machine, we need to configure the postgres in such a way that is accessible from outside the server. By default, it will be accessible only within the server.
Such configurations are to be made in postgres_ext.conf file located at <servicedeskplus_home>\pgsql\ext_conf\ directory. There are some other cases like using our bundled Postgres as external Postgres for other builds, configuration of customized timezone etc. For that we will modify the parameters like listen_address, timezone etc. These parameters can be configured in <servicedeskplus_home>\pgsql\data\postgresql.conf too. 

But It is not advised to modify the default postgresql.conf file bundled along with Postgres database.  If the configurations are made in postgresql.conf, these configurations will not be retained after migration (major upgrade like 14300). 

All these above cases will fail post migration, due to the absence of configuration.

Solution :
  1. As mentioned above, It is not advised to modify the default postgresql.conf file bundled along with Postgres database.
  2. We should do all these configurations only in pgsql\ext_conf\postgres_ext.conf file (which will be retained in future upgrades too).

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