Unable to add request during Zia Category prediction when both category & sub-category is mandated
When the Zia category prediction is enabled and while raising the request using a template in which the category and subcategory are mandated while submitting the request, the category prediction pop-up comes up and on applying it the category is changed automatically and the subcategory needs to be set by the user when we select the subcategory the request button gets greyed out and we cannot submit the request.
When a category is selected from the Zia pop-up and apply is clicked, disabled 'Add Request' button will be enabled again.
Please follow the below Instructions:
1. Download the sdp-requests.js from the below download link and replace it in the <Installation Directory>/ServiceDesk/webapps/ROOT/scripts folder.
2. Now try to recreate the scenario after doing a hard refresh in the browser (or) Try incognito window.
Fix Compatibility: SDP Build version 14820
Issue ID: SD-125059
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