Unable to add MS Office SharePoint monitor

Unable to add MS Office SharePoint monitor

Check if all the prerequisites are done. The prerequisites can be found here:  https://www.manageengine.com/products/applications_manager/help/prerequisites-for-applications-manager.html#SharePointServer

WMI Mode

If unable to add the SharePoint Server monitor in WMI mode, follow the below steps

  1. Open command prompt in administrator mode in Applications Manager-installed machine.

  2. Go to <Applications Manager Home>\working\conf\application\scripts directory.

  3. Execute the below commands by replacing hostname, username and password with that of the reported SharePoint server:

    cscript wmiget.vbs hostname username password "Select * from Win32_PerfRawData_PerfOS_Processor where Name='_Total'"
  4. Copy the output of the above command to a text file.

Powershell Mode

If unable to add the SharePoint Server monitor in Powershell mode, follow the below steps

  1. Open powershell in administrator mode in the Applications Manager-installed machine.

  2. Go to <Applications Manager Home>\working\conf\application\scripts\powershell directory.

  3. Execute the below commands by replacing hostname, username and password with that of the reported SharePoint server:
    .\TestConnectivity.ps1 'hostname' 'username' 'password'

  4. If Farm server option is chosen, execute the below command:
    .\TestConnectivity.ps1 'hostname' 'username' 'password' 'FarmType' 'CredSSP'
    Use CredSSP only if enabled, else remove that argument from the command.

  5. Copy the output of the above command to a text file. 

Reach out to our support team with the text file containing the output to appmanager-support@manageengine.com along with the latest Support Information File (SIF) from Applications Manager with print all logs enabled for analysis.

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