UDP port block Message In NetFlow Analyzer

UDP port block Message In NetFlow Analyzer

In NetFlow Analyzer we do two types of check in windows firewall, while flows are being received in server

1) Check if there is any allow rules created to allow UDP port say "9996" -Once our product find out this rule then flows collection will get started

2) Check if there is block rules with "ANY UDP port" or "ANY port" criteria- if any block rules are there with any criteria or UDP ANY criteria then this message will be displayed in GUI.


1)Login to NetFlow Analyzer installed server->Go to Windows defender firewall->Inbound rules.

2)Now sort on Action tab to find out blocked rules->There should be blocked rules with criteria as  "ANY" or "UDP" under protocol tab

and under Local Port and remote port there will be "ANY" criteria which is the reason why you are getting this message

3)Click on the rule name->Protocols and ports->configure the port range as below if your UDP listener port is 9996 by excluding UDP port alone.


4)Save the rule and repeat this for all blocked rules and then restart NetFlow Analyzer service and check the issue and let us know.

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