Troubleshooting the "NumberFormatException" due to Locale Standards in APM Insight
Issue Summary:
The application throws a "NumberFormatException" when parsing numbers formatted with a comma (",") as a decimal separator (e.g., French - fr_FR, German - de_DE, Italian - it_IT). This occurs because the system expects numbers to be formatted with a dot (".") as a decimal separator, as per English (en_US) locale standards.
Example Exception:
- [3 juin 2024 16:04:14][/api/v2/apminsight/app/10011615/comp/details/graph/rtbycomponents/hH-1717430654437_###_https-jsse-nio-8443-exec-34-352][GRAVE](APMInsightBaseAPI.logApiError):Exception occured while processing api request.
- java.lang.NumberFormatException: For input string: "28,0"
- at sun.misc.FloatingDecimal.readJavaFormatString(
- at sun.misc.FloatingDecimal.parseDouble(
- at java.lang.Double.parseDouble(
- at com.manageengine.apminsight.common.util.StringUtils.getAsDouble(
This issue arises due to a mismatch between the application's locale (e.g., French - fr_FR, German - de_DE, Italian - it_IT) and the expected locale of the system (English - en_US).
1. Update Locale Settings: Add the following configuration to the <AppManager>/conf/ file:

2. Restart Applications Manager: Restart the AppManager service to apply the changes.
3. Check the APM tab for any recurring issues after the update.

This issue was fixed in Applications Manager v173500. Upgrading to this version or later eliminates the need for the workaround.
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