Troubleshooting 'NLB is not configured in this Server' issue

Troubleshooting 'NLB is not configured in this Server' issue

The following conditions must be met before you can proceed to troubleshoot NLB nodes:
1. The node has successfully been added via WMI.
2.WMI is working properly on the remote server.

Using wbemtest.exe to troubleshoot WMI:
1. Open wbemtest.exe, usually located at C:\Windows\System32\wbem\wbemtest.exe
2. From the Applications Manager server, open wbemtest.exe and click Connect.
3. In the Namespace field enter:  \\RemoteServerIpAddress\root\MicrosoftNLB
4. Provide Credentials then Click Connect. If 'Invalid Namespace' error appears, then the NLB feature is not installed in that Server. Install the NLB feature from the Server Manager, then configure the NLB Cluster.
5. Once connected, click Query. The Query dialog appears.
6. Run a Query for specific information.
            SELECT Name FROM MicrosoftNLB_Node

If the test was successful and still not able to get the NLB details in the Applications Manager web console, then follow the below steps.

1. Go to AppManagerHome\working\conf\application\scripts\ folder in command prompt and execute the below script:
      cscript serverNLB.vbs <RemoteHost> <UserName> <Password> > serverNlb.txt
2. Send the serverNlb.txt file to along with the Support Information File from Applications Manager.

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