Transaction log full

Transaction log full


 Depends On Me: com.adventnet.persistence.DataAccessException: [TierComponent] The transaction log for database 'supportcenter' is full. To find out why space in the log cannot be reused, see the log_reuse_wait_desc column in sys.databases

    at org.jboss.deployment.MainDeployer.checkIncompleteDeployments(

    at org.jboss.deployment.MainDeployer.deploy(


There are two methods to fix this issue.

Method 1:

Please run the following query to shrink the size of the transaction log.

Executing this query brought the LDF file to around 1MB. 

USE supportcenter
DBCC SHRINKFILE (supportcenter_log, 1)
DBCC SHRINKFILE (supportcenter_log, 1)
exec sp_helpfile

Please run this query after taking a Backup of the Database.

You can  run the Script to re-index the Tables in the DB.This shouldn't cause any problems.

The only thing that we insist on is to take a back up of the database before you attempt any of  these steps on the DB.

Please set the transactions logs growth to say 4 GB and set it to unrestricted growth, so that the logs will grow to the mentioned limit and then will overwrite the. This will prevent the logs to grow in size.

Method 2

To fix this issue, we have to detach SupportCenter database, after detaching we can delete the transaction log ( .LDF log) 
and attach the SupportCenter database back.

The important part in this process of attaching database will be removing the log path.The attaching database configuration window will show the path of the log (.LDF log), we have to remove the log path only then we will be able to attach the database

Following steps given below, explains in detail about the process of attaching and detaching database.

# Stop the SupportCenter Plus service.

# Connect to the SQL database, take a SQL backup and detach supportcenter database.

# After detaching the database, goto the location where the .LDF log file is located.

Follow the screenshots given below to delete the .LDF log


C:\\Program Files\\Microsoft SQL Server\\MSSQL10.SQLEXPRESS\\MSSQL\\DATA
Delete the "mike_log.LDF" log file

# Import and add the detached SupportCenter database as per the screenshot given below.

# In order to complete SupportCenter database attaching process, remove the .LDF log file path as per the screen shot given below and click OK.

The important part in this process of attaching database will be removing the log path.The attaching database configuration window will show the path of the log (.LDF log), we have to remove the log path only then we will be able to attach the database. 

# Restart the SupportCenter Plus service. 

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