To Modify the login screen or add a link
To add the link to your login screen/Modify the login screen perform the following steps.
For the login screen :
1. Save the page served under http://[servername-or-ipaddress:port-number/] as index.html. Copy this file onto c:\\\\AdventNet\\\\Me\\\\SupportCenter\\\\applications\\\\extracted\\\\AdventNetSupportCenter.eear\\\\AdventNetServiceDeskWC.ear\\\\AdventNetServiceDesk.war
2. Modify the index.html page as per your needs and the save the file under the same location.
To include a link to the login page
add <a href="supportcenterplus">">supportcenterplus </a> to the body of your personnel web page
3. Keep the FORM Submit and Action options as they are.
4. You can now access the modified index page as http://[servername-or-ipaddress:port-number]/index.html
For Logout Screen :
1. Edit the Web.xml file present under C:\\\\AdventNet\\\\ME\\\\SupportCenter\\\\applications\\\\extracted\\\\AdventNetSupportCenter.eear\\\\AdventNetServiceDeskWC.ear\\\\AdventNetServiceDesk.war\\\\WEB-INF and change the following:
should be changed as :
2. Restart SupportCenter Plus service.
When you access http://[server-name:portnumber]/ , it will show you the index page.
In case, you may wish to change the login error page too, the following entry
should be changed as
One note of caution : whenever a Service Pack/Upgrade Pack is released by SC+, the web.xml file is bound to change. You should ensure that you make this change after every SP/UP release.
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