The XenApp monitor is added successfully but no data is being displayed.

The XenApp monitor is added successfully but no data is being displayed.

Troubleshooting Steps:

Note:  We are using WMI to monitor XenApp.

Step 1:
  • Do "wbemtest" by connecting to their XenApp Server using NameSpace "root\citrix"
  • Execute the WMI Query "select * from MetaFrame_Server" to check whether they can connect with xenapp server and execute WMI Queries successfully

Step 2:
If the above step work properly, then ask them to execute the following Query in their Applications Manager build path. (\AppManager\working\conf\application\scripts)

cscript //Logo //T:300 "wmiQueryExecuter.vbs" "HostName" "Username" "Password" "root\citrix:select * from MetaFrame_Server" "Domain=Domain, FarmName=FarmName, IPAddress=IPAddress, ServerName=ServerName, ServerType=ServerType, ZoneName=ZoneName, ZoneRanking=ZoneRanking, NumberOfActiveSessions=NumberOfActiveSessions, NumberOfDisconnectedSessions=NumberOfDisconnectedSessions, NumberOfSessions=NumberOfSessions"

Note: Open cmd as Administrator and execute the above. Replace userName, password, hostname with their XenApp Server details.

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