RBM - The Firefox browser does not launch for EUM agents installed on a Linux server

RBM - The Firefox browser does not launch for EUM agents installed on a Linux server

  • Each version of Mozilla Firefox comes with a set of system requirements to ensure the proper functioning of the web browser. For Real Browser Monitoring, we use Mozilla Firefox version 128. The system requirements for Real Browser Monitoring can be found here
  • If the Linux environment meets all the requirements mentioned yet the browser doesn't launch, check if both the 32-bit and 64-bit versions of the libraries are present. In some 64-bit Linux instances, the 32-bit libraries may not be installed by default. 
  • To install the 32-bit libraries needed for the proper functioning of Mozilla Firefox version 128, perform the following steps :
i. Activate support for the installation of 32-bit applications in your 64-bit system
sudo dpkg --add-architecture i386
ii. Update the APT database
sudo apt-get update
iii. Install the 32-bit libraries required by Mozilla Firefox
sudo apt-get install libdbus-glib-1.2:i386 libxt6:i386 libxcomposite1:i386 libstdc++6:i386 libgtk2.0.0:i386 libasound2:i386 -y --reinstall
  • Once the libraries have been installed successfully, the Firefox browser should launch as expected and the RBM monitoring should proceed without any further complications.

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