This report is used to find the task comments and Description.
To make any changes to a query, refer to the KB article below.
SELECT taskdet.TASKID AS "Task ID",
taskdet.TITLE AS "Title",
taskowner.FIRST_NAME AS "Owner",
taskcreatedby.FIRST_NAME AS "Created By",
taskstatus.STATUSNAME AS "Task Status",
taskdesc.DESCRIPTION AS "Description",
c.comment "Comments" FROM TaskDetails taskdet
LEFT JOIN AaaUser taskcreatedby ON taskdet.CREATEDBY=taskcreatedby.USER_ID
LEFT JOIN SDUser taskownersdu ON taskdet.OWNERID=taskownersdu.USERID
LEFT JOIN AaaUser taskowner ON taskownersdu.USERID=taskowner.USER_ID
LEFT JOIN StatusDefinition taskstatus ON taskdet.STATUSID=taskstatus.STATUSID
LEFT JOIN TaskDescription taskdesc ON taskdet.TASKID=taskdesc.TASKID
LEFT JOIN TaskToComment tskc ON tskc.taskid = taskdet.taskid
LEFT JOIN Comments c ON tskc.commentid=c.commentid
WHERE taskdet.CREATEDDATE >= <from_thisweek> and taskdet.CREATEDDATE <= <to_thisweek>
Note : Login to ServiceDesk Plus, go to Reports tab > New Query Report > Copy the query to the query editor and run the report.